The Sony VAIO VPCX135KX surprised its users by the second is taken out of the box. This mini-laptop (PC or lifestyle as Sony calls it) stands out for its elegant lines and the fashions. Its size, 10.95 x 0.55 x 7.29 inches and the weight (less than 1.60 pounds) make it even more attractive. But we're not here to look at a laptop and say that you are good or bad. We are here to put the Sony VAIO VPCX135KX the test and see if that's what it takespromises. So, after careful inspection and testing of all components, we are happy to announce that this notebook is actually what Sony promises. Let's see why and how our test went.
Its Intel Atom Z550 Central Processing Unit (CPU) is a standard for nearly all of the mini-notebook and behaves quite well with its 2.00 GHz clock speed and 512 KB of L2 cache. It works on a relatively low front-side bus (FSB) 533 MHz only 'managed to pass our tests because of the high clock frequency.But slowly the properties of other down so that we can only 6 of his 10 points. The Sony VAIO has worked VPCX135KX a standard and a maximum memory of 2 GB (2 x 1 GB) DDR2 RAM with a frequency of 533 MHz We are aware that its size is an obstacle to the size of memory, but its frequency should be higher for a price of $ 1,499.99. The store receives only 7 out of 10.
The album manages to get even more points. The Sony VAIO VPCX135KX comes with a 128 GB PATASolid State Drive (SSD). Although not very large, it is sufficient for a mini-laptop, and earned his system for another 8 to 10. The Mobile Intel Graphics Media Accelerator 500 integrated graphics processing unit is a standard for many mini-notebooks and also plays for its size. It is capable of high-quality graphics with a maximum resolution of 1366 x 768 pixel LED-backlit 11.1 output. Let 9 out of 10 for his versatility. The Intel High Definition Audio is agreat enrichment and music lovers will enjoy crystal clear sound.
The integrated GPS, built-in mobile broadband access to Verizon Wireless and electro-static touch pad (with multi-finger skills) to earn bonus points. At the end of the handset has reached the milestone with an overall score of 7.6 from the Sony VAIO VPCX135KX in a top position in our list of mini-laptops.
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